It’s like a European Market as you wander through the aisle and appreciate the Artisanal quality goods of local business’. It’s warm with the lighting filtering in from the outside and the variety of things to buy is growing each weekend. When you’re done shopping you can go through to the River Arts Gallery and see what brings a lot of people to the area-inspiration and the creative spirit channeled into art of all kinds. It’s easy to imagine that you’re somewhere else when you’re in the Market, because it buzzes with energy and life.
Ok, here’s the other reason I’m going to be there. The Painted Truffle, is one of the Chocolatier featured at the third annual Bucks County Chocolate Show, and is also at the Stockton Market now. Tom Sciascia, Owner, is having a chocolate tasting. He’ll have cabernet cordials, sea salt caramels and hot chocolate. When his tasting at The Four Seasons got canceled due to the snow, he was ready to share even more with the locals at The Stockton Market. Where do I fit in? In the spirit of Valentines Day, I love to bake. The Chocolate Bar will have samples of the impish chocolate cupcakes with Chambourg and black current basalmic ganache that are featured at the Chocolate Lover’s Fantasy benefit for A Woman’s Place tonight, chocolate chunk cookie samples tomorrow and both days: tickets to the Bucks County Chocolate Show will be available for sale.
So if you feel the same way I do and just need a break from the winter cold, come warm up at The Stockton Market at 19 Bridge St, Stockton, N.J. next to River Arts Gallery (formerly Erico’s market). Spread the word!
Gretchen, The Chocolate Muse
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